Tuesday, July 24, 2012

If you have a moment, here is a nice little remake of "Teach me how to Dougie" presented by the Oregon Dental Association. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ugQLL65BKc.
Dr. Josh

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How do I know if I have a cavity?

Well, this is an all too often question I am asked.  The only true way to determine if you have a cavity is by an examination from your dentist.  If it is between the teeth, X-Rays will show it.  If it is on the chewing surface or the sides of the tooth, the dentist will be able to both see and feel it with their explorer.
Many people think that a cavity hurts.  On the contrary.  Most do not, and when they have increased in size enough to cause discomfort, then the tooth may need more than a conservative filling.  Root canals and crowns may be needed because of the amount of damage to the tooth.  Extractions may be needed as well if the tooth has suffered too much damage.
It is definitely wise and cost effective to maintain your teeth and visit your dentist every 6 month umless instructed to come more frequently.  Call us to set an appointment at 770-267-6822 and visit us at www.monroegadentist.com.
Dr. Josh

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Types of toothpastes: which is best?

Another common question asked by our patients is : "which toothpaste is best?"    I believe this to have  multiple answers.  If you are having tooth sensitivity, there is no better product on the market than Sensodyne.  The key to this toothpaste is time.  You must commit to solely using it for 2-3 weeks and not brush with other pastes.  It will decrease sensitivity very effectively.
Any toothpaste that has fluoride and is ADA approved will be effective for fighting cavities and gum disease.  I recommend Colgate Total because it also has Triclosan to fight gum disease.  It is abrasive and shouldn't be used in those persons having sensitivity.
Any comments on this post are welcomed,
Dr Josh

Friday, July 6, 2012

Child's first dental visit

We are often asked, "how old does my child need to be before they see a dentist?"  Well, there are several answers to the question.  One, if you notice a problem in your child's mouth or are concerned, please visit a dentist or a pedodontist (they specialize in the treatment of children) as soon as possible. 
Two, when they are 2 years old, we like for them to start their dental visits.  It may be a get acquainted visit, or a full on exam with prophy (cleaning).  It solely depends on the level of comfort of your child. 
We strive to be the best and to establish a life long relationship with your child.  We do not want them afraid.  It is common to be anxious, but not fearful.  Always speak positivelyy about their upcoming visit, and do not let any past experience on your behalf inhibit their visit.
Hopefully, they will grow with us.
Dr. Josh

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday morning

CEREC still continues to amaze me.  A patient presented with a broken front tooth.  The tooth needed a crown and she was embarassed by the fracture.  Understandably so, it's a front tooth.  In under 2 hours, we fabricated and definitively cemented her crown.  No impressions.  No temporary. No second visit.  Again, AMAZING technology.
Dr. Josh