Sunday, October 27, 2013

What you should know about Dental X-Rays

You may have noticed that dental x-rays have been in the media lately.  The stories do not always tell the entire truth and are most often not scientifically based.  We would never want to harm a patient or their family member(s).  Here is some information I have recently uncovered they may alleviate the anxieties and fears of dental x-rays.
Our technology has solved the issue of high radiation in x-rays.  The radiation exposure in cavity detecting x-rays is remarkably low.  The American Nuclear Society states that "the average radiation level per person per year is 620 millirems (mrems) per year.  Safe allowable dose for nuclear plant workers, or those exposed to radiation in their work is 5,000 mrems per year."  Let's keep those numbers in mind.
Statistics show the following examples of common radiation exposure:

  • 2 hours in a jet plane = 1 mrem
  • Living in a stone or adobe house = 7 mrem per year
  • 1 pack of cigarettes each day = 36 mrem per year (This surprised me greatly)
  • A whole body CT scan = 1000 mrem
  • 1 Bitewing or PA Dental X-ray = 0.08 mrem
Hopefully this is comforting to those of you who worried or wondered how much radiation you were getting at our office with Dental X-rays.  The great news is that we at Spring Street Family Dentistry care about you and want to offer you the best and latest procedures with the most up to date equipment.  We have been offering digital X-Rays for over 5 years and will always continue on a path to less invasive and more up to date technology.
Joshua DuBose DMD