Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Do you see pink in the sink when you brush your teeth?  Are your gums puffy, red or swollen?  Puffy, red, tender or bleeding gums are not normal and chances are you have gingivitis.
So often we hear "well they only bleed when I brush them", or "I don't floss because it makes my gums bleed and it hurts".  All of these symptoms are signs of gingivitis.
Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that is caused by the buildup of plaque at the base of your teeth (the gingiva).
This plaque is a sticky yellowish film of bacteria as well as food particles that develops naturally on our teeth.  It forms into colonies and sets up camp on the smooth surfaces.  When it first forms it is soft enough to come off easily, but it starts to harden within 24-48 hours.  Once it hardens it is called tartar (or calculus) and you will not be able to brush or floss it off.
This tartar acts much like a splinter between your teeth and your gums, causing the gums to become red, irritated and swollen.  When this happens they will begin to bleed when brushing.

Here are some other conditions that can add to this problem making gingivitis more difficult to treat:
1. Crooked or misaligned teeth
2. Poor diet
3. Smoking
4. Hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menopause)
5. Medications and some medical conditions

Here are 5 simple tips to give gingivitis the "brush off":
1. Get regular professional dental cleanings and exams at least twice a year
2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft bristled toothbrush.
3. Floss your teeth everyday
4, Follow your dentist's and hygienist's advice on other products they may want you to use: Sonicare toothbrushes, mouth rinses, toothpastes, etc.
5. Replace older worn out fillings as recommended

With proper care, gingivitis is completely reversible.  If your gums are tender or bleed, don't wait, make an appointment now!  If it goes ignored it will progress to a more serious and irreversible dental disease (Periodontal disease) that could lead to tooth lose.

Michelle Gerrity